Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Go to Canada to eat your noisy Sun Chips

When I walked towards the checkout at the local sandwich shop with my trusty junk food, a bag of chips, nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary. As I opened my tasty bag of Sun Chips, I did happen to notice the green label bragging about their new biodegradable bag. I was a little surprised to see such a big company making the risky move of "going green". I do agree with the fact that every time we purchase something, we are saying that we approve. I wanted to continue to cast my vote for Sun Chips since they made this positive change. As quickly as this innovative blessing had arrived, it seemed to vanish.

I searched online to see if anyone knew where these wonderful "green" bags went. I was sickened to see hundreds of people stirring about the removal of these bags, but not in the way that I had hoped. One commenter by the name "disgruntled co-worker" posted "Sunchips are our favorite chip .... but I won't buy another bag for my family. The bags are irritating just sitting on the shelf. Pity the poor driver who has to stack them ...maybe his health insurance can cover the noise pollution. Please don't do this to your other products!!" (posted on Sun Chips in the Chicago Tribune). Hundred of more comments I read praising Sun Chips for taking these biodegradable bags off the shelf.

Little did I know, Sun Chips was actually a product of Frito-Lay, who was ironically owned by Pepsi Co Inc. Pepsi Co is one of the most influential Fortune 500 international companies, in partnerships with the other most powerful companies such as Starbucks and Lipton. This HUGE company had the power to really make a positive change that could have snow balled into a major trend here in the United States. Frito-Lay officially announced they would discontinue these biodegradable bags in the United States due to the consumer complaints. A private party reported that the sales have dropped 11% since January when these bags were introduced. No actual statistics were released by Pepsi Co themselves. Frito-Lay has also declined to release the dollar amount on the creation and production of these biodegradable bags. Now why would a company withhold information unless they had something to hide? I am not sure whether to be ashamed of the consumers for their selfishness or to blame the all powerful Pepsi Co for their vague reasons, but I think I will stick with both. Now, instead of the bag that decomposed in about 9-14 weeks, we are left with more plastic chip bags that never really break down, they just crumble into small dust like pieces over hundreds of years. With Frito-Lay manufacturing over 30 million bags of Sun Chips a week, I am sure it will be no time until we are immersed in preventable garbage. You made your bed, and now we all will be forced to lay in it. 

Bottom line, maybe I should move to Canada? In Canada, they have decided to keep the biodegradable bags for their whole line of Sun Chips flavors. Frito-Lay's sustainability chief aired a public service announcement informing us that Canada will indeed keep the biodegradable bags, and that he has always been proud about the way that Canadians take care of Canada which makes him proud to be a part of something that can continue to help make and keep Canada beautiful. He sums it up by basically saying, get over it and if you still have a problem with the noise, they will send you a FREE pair of ear plugs. That is right folks, again, Canada is ahead of us, I thought we were supposed to be really competitive here in the United States? Watch the PSA HERE.


  1. Canada also has a health care system that seems to work pretty well for them... but here, many seem convinced it's a disastrous, socialist entitlement program to benefit only the lazy and shiftless.

    About 20 years ago, Pepsi tried something called "Pepsi Clear". It was simply Pepsi without the added food coloring. The food coloring has absolutely no effect on the flavor, it is only for visual effect. So of course it tasted exactly the same. Now, aside from all the other arguments about why one should consider not drinking Pepsi, at least this was a good step, or so you would think. Consumers flatly turned down the idea and it was pulled shortly after. Nope, gotta have that caramel coloring! It just wouldn't be the same!

    These are probably the same people that buy pet food based on the pretty colors and shapes the kibble comes in.

  2. Exactly. Same idea. I don't understand why people choose to be so selfish. Are you referring to Sicko? Greatttttt movie!

  3. I had "Sicko" in mind there, yes. Moore made the point so well in that movie that even his faithful legion of haters had trouble finding too much to complain about.
