Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My personal favorites...

I get a lot of questions about what my favorites are so here it is. Please feel free to let me know if you have been inspired to explore one of my favorites and have found it just as enjoyable as I have.

Movie: "The Cove" not only because I got the honor of interviewing the co-found of the Oceanic Preservation Society, but because of the fact that it is the only movie that has brought tears to my eyes and at the same time made me feel so empowered that I wanted to hop on a ship to stop these fisherman myself.

Song: Michael Jackson's "They Don't Really Care About Us" for so many reasons. It is just the right amount of realism without being to sugar coated in optimism or too doused in pessimism. This man is an inspiration to me and many more across the world and his innocence and strength is missed.

Book: This is a really hard one for me because I am a bit of a book nerd but for the moment I have picked my top book, although please excuse the fact that it is very tentative. "The Whale Warriors" by Peter Heller is a captivating text about Peter's exploration on an Eco-pirate ship to stop the slaughter of whales and other sea life. This book also plays into my fantasy of living on a ship for a years length conquering the world with direct activism.

Food: Avocado because it is amazing just plain with a spoon and a little salt. I could live off these delectable morsels.

Animal: Either a whale or a cat. I can't decide. A cat represents independence, grace, beauty, and many cultures even worshiped cats to the extent of preserving them after death. Whales are so majestic to me, living in a place that we as humans know little about, and so in control of there own life that they can decide if it is time to take another breathe of air.

Place to Visit: This is an easy one for me. I dream of visiting Egypt however I have not had the chance to yet, so until then Haiti is the most wonderful place I have ever visited. It is so beautifully rural and enchanting is the best word I can think of to describe it.

Theme Park: Six Flags Magic Mountain. The rides are thrilling and I am beyond proud when I go on them because they horrify and excite me at the same time.

Person you look up to: Bill Maher because he ventures to say what people are thinking but are too afraid to actually say.

Got any more good idea's?

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