Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wild Tigers Extinct?

According to the World Wildlife Fund, wild tigers are on the verge of mere existence. It has been determined that there are only about 3,200 tigers in the wild, worldwide today, which is less then the number held in captivity in the United States alone. So, why have the wild tiger numbers gone down drastically from 100,000 to the ghastly number is it today? The illegal trade, poaching field, and habitat loss are to blame directly, but the world turning their back to this issue seems to be the real perpetrator.

Without the tigers in our world, we are left with much less biodiversity, and thus meaning other species will die off or over produce. The whole ecosystem can be thrown off if one piece is missing. When was the last time you could drive your perfect new car with only 3 tires instead of four? Sure, maybe you could go a few feet on mere push, but soon the whole car falls apart and becomes useless, much like the world would without its biodiversity.

In some parts of the world tigers are worth more dead than alive. Their teeth are used as jewelry and currency, while their skins are used as clothes and home decor. In China, they believe that tiger bones can cure illnesses, much like we believe that McDonald's food is good for us.

It is time we step up, just as we did when the American symbol, the bald eagle, neared extinction, and create awareness and conservation. We can stop the elimination of these beautiful creatures, a symbol of not just the United States, but the world, a world where they live, without boundaries. Visit World Wildlife Tiger Adoption to see what you can do!

1 comment:

  1. I thought right away of the "tiger bones" thing, which you mentioned. This snake oil (wish it was only from a snake) has even made its way into this country, in various cities with Chinatown neighborhoods. The worst of the worst, really. Not only are the tigers killed for it, but it is obviously completely useless as a remedy for anything.

    I hope something can be done before it is too late.
